Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Evaluation of our pitch I feel our pitch was very good as we had good content and visuals to back up our idea. We had a suitable logo for the production company which matched our chosen genre. the name for our film suited the genre and I feel complimented the logo very well. We took into consideration certain risks that could apply when filming and decided as a group to use a different location to film in instead. As we understand the certain risks that could apply in our chosen area and we were responsible enough to realise and not take any risks with the cameras and are self being. For my group I did the target audience, wider audience, institutions blogs which involves whether are company is going to be mainstream or independent,the filming schedule and the sound-scape. I managed to use good information and explained each question well. however when doing the production schedule I could of gone into more detail as the exact dates and specific times we would of been filming for. As this would have benefited are whole group and allowed for no confusion which ultimately means we could have possibly have more filming time. Overall I feel are whole group was well prepared and done there chosen blogs very well and accordingly which led to a good title sequence.

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