Signing off
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
Adding effect onto our footage
We added affects on top of the footage as the titles did not stand out against the background, by adding the affects it made are titles stand out and it made the quality of the footage better. To add the affects we dragged the one we chose as a group on top of each piece of footage which changed the outcome of the titles.
Friday, 15 January 2016
Making Titles
To make the titles we used After effects. to get on after effect we clicked 'File' and then 'Adobe dynamic link' and then 'New after effect composition'
Then the After Effect software opens and then we clicked the 'T' tool to create writing. Also on top of our titles we added transitions, such as 'Fade up Racters' for the fade in and 'Fade out Haracter' for the fade out.
when we finish making the titles it adds it to the bin on the left hand side of the clip and then we drag it into the timeline. then the titles appear on top of of our footage.
Creating the Production Logo
Creating the Production Logo
Firstly, we had to create an 'online logo maker' account to create the A1 Production logo to use during the ident. Secondly, we had to create the logo using the text tools and the symbol tools to compose the logo. During this stage, we used stars, rectangles, squares and the text 'A1' and 'Production'. We used the colours black and white as we thought it suited the genre and looked good as a logo and worked well with the animation of the ident. After we had created the logo, we had to save the logo to our account. After this, we exported our logo to the safe space, ready to use for the making of the ident.
production company animation
We have used after effects to create an animation of our production company that will go at the start of our film. this was done by importing a logo that was created on create a, into a preset animation on after effects.
Tuesday, 12 January 2016
Editing Process
The screen grabs above are grabs of different scenes from our title sequence. we have located the titles in different places as this was a common thing done by films in there titles sequence. Also we merged different sounds together e.g. train, police sirens, heart beats and deep breathing.
Changing Colour
The image above is a screen grab of our editing on Premiere Pro. this particular picture is us changing the levels of one of our scenes as when we re-filmed the lighting was different so we had the change the levels on the pictures so it looks similar to the shot before and after. Firstly we dragged a RGB curve on to the clip and then grabs for 4 colour came up and we played with the colours so it looks similar to the shot before.
Friday, 8 January 2016
When posting are titles in todays lesson we used the software after effects and made sure we had a running order of what was going to come up when and at what time. So to make it more professional we put up the characters names the moment they came onto the screen, we also altered the font of the text and used several transitions to represent these credits, such as fading in, fading out, and rotations which all make the titles look much more visually interesting and appealing. We also made the title for are film which is called 'A1 PRODUCTIONS' through a software called logo maker which allows you to pick from a variety of different type of transitions,affects, colours and ways to present your title for your film. in doing so we have made a quality title for are film and are continuing to work hard on the titles to make it fit in with are film.
Wednesday, 6 January 2016
Evaluation of our rough cut
I feel as a whole are title sequence is very successful as we have various types of shots to create a tense,well made and a clear chasing sequence. Are shots have been placed in a comprehensive order throughout which ensures that are title sequence has been kept quite consistent and as good as it possibly can be. The use of many shots shows a high level of understanding and also decreases tedium within the audience. Choosing to have many different camera shots means that we would need to have the right type of music to fit in with are film type and chosen genre which i feel we have done successfully. It adds to the overall atmosphere of tension and keeping are audience on the edge of there seat. We managed to finish filming in no more then 2 filming sessions and i feel this is because we were well prepared before hand and had a storyboard so we knew exactly what we were doing. The only weakness i would say is that we could have possibly added a few extra shots as are title sequence only has a duration of 1.57 seconds.
What we have done successfully also is having are camera work at a good quality and making it look as professional as possible. This is due to using the right type of equipment to make are camera work not shaky and precise, we used a tripod to keep the camera static and a fig rig when needed in certain situations for example POV shots or tracking shots. what we have also done succesfully and well is not only used loads of camera shots but a variety of camera shots to make are title sequence more interesting such as longshots, close ups, wide shots, POV shots, extreme long shots and medium close ups. This is essential in creating a chasing sequence as it has to be fast paced which we have done very succesfully in my opinion through are camera work.
When we filmed we kept all the lighting natural and didn’t alter it in any way, this is due to the fact that are title sequence was done outside so there was no need to. The only variable we had to consider and keep the same was the time of day we filmed so we can have the same type of lighting which makes are film look much more professional and realistic. However when coming to are later shots we found out that this became a problem as one shot looked a bit darker then the other but we managed to use a filter post production which worked well and makes the lighting look more or less the same.
The performance of the characters in our title sequence was at a good standard as there was no dialogue and the only thing it involved them doing was running and having the correct facial expressions at all times which i and Mert done succesfully. It makes are film look much more realistic, better and is also better to watch.
Are misc en scene used was very simplistic and ordinary as we felt this would suit are title sequence best, the clothing we used were everyday clothing as we felt it added to the overall atmosphere of the suscpicion, if they look ordinary you wouldnt expect anything to happen, we have gone against the stereotypes of what gang members wear. However the bad thing about are clothing is we look pretty much the same apart from the red shoes it is hard to tell who is who. we could have avoided this by having one character wear a completely different type of clothing to the other in terms of colour so it is much easier to tell apart.
What we have done successfully also is having are camera work at a good quality and making it look as professional as possible. This is due to using the right type of equipment to make are camera work not shaky and precise, we used a tripod to keep the camera static and a fig rig when needed in certain situations for example POV shots or tracking shots. what we have also done succesfully and well is not only used loads of camera shots but a variety of camera shots to make are title sequence more interesting such as longshots, close ups, wide shots, POV shots, extreme long shots and medium close ups. This is essential in creating a chasing sequence as it has to be fast paced which we have done very succesfully in my opinion through are camera work.
When we filmed we kept all the lighting natural and didn’t alter it in any way, this is due to the fact that are title sequence was done outside so there was no need to. The only variable we had to consider and keep the same was the time of day we filmed so we can have the same type of lighting which makes are film look much more professional and realistic. However when coming to are later shots we found out that this became a problem as one shot looked a bit darker then the other but we managed to use a filter post production which worked well and makes the lighting look more or less the same.
The performance of the characters in our title sequence was at a good standard as there was no dialogue and the only thing it involved them doing was running and having the correct facial expressions at all times which i and Mert done succesfully. It makes are film look much more realistic, better and is also better to watch.
Are misc en scene used was very simplistic and ordinary as we felt this would suit are title sequence best, the clothing we used were everyday clothing as we felt it added to the overall atmosphere of the suscpicion, if they look ordinary you wouldnt expect anything to happen, we have gone against the stereotypes of what gang members wear. However the bad thing about are clothing is we look pretty much the same apart from the red shoes it is hard to tell who is who. we could have avoided this by having one character wear a completely different type of clothing to the other in terms of colour so it is much easier to tell apart.
Strenghts and weaknesses of my blogs
Strengths of my blogs
1) one of the strengths of my blogs is that I give a lot of detailed responses to my answers which consists of a lot of writing and trying my best to answer or explore every bit of the question
2) A lot of visual examples have now been added to my blogs in the last few weeks to make my blogs look much more appealing and easier to navigate
3) I have put a lot of research into are title sequence and have several blogs to look back on which have helped are title sequence be the best it can be
Weaknesses of my blogs
1) There is not a lot of audio examples in my blogs for example I have failed to post the camtasia and other audio sounds of what sounds or inspirations we have used in our title sequence.
2) My blogs could be presented in a more creative way for example using other programmes such as powerpoint and Prezi
3) my blogs could be set up in a more orgasnised way so its easy to navigate and look for what i need.
One of the main threats is that i am unable to use much other software to make my blogs as visual interesting so it has limited me to only using blogger to present my blogs. One thing i could do is to learn how to use other software’s by visiting workshops and get some blogs done in college.
I have enjoyed using premier pro to make are title sequence and if i learn how to use photoshop it would be a great opportunity for me to post my blogs in a different more skilled way
1) one of the strengths of my blogs is that I give a lot of detailed responses to my answers which consists of a lot of writing and trying my best to answer or explore every bit of the question
2) A lot of visual examples have now been added to my blogs in the last few weeks to make my blogs look much more appealing and easier to navigate
3) I have put a lot of research into are title sequence and have several blogs to look back on which have helped are title sequence be the best it can be
Weaknesses of my blogs
1) There is not a lot of audio examples in my blogs for example I have failed to post the camtasia and other audio sounds of what sounds or inspirations we have used in our title sequence.
2) My blogs could be presented in a more creative way for example using other programmes such as powerpoint and Prezi
3) my blogs could be set up in a more orgasnised way so its easy to navigate and look for what i need.
One of the main threats is that i am unable to use much other software to make my blogs as visual interesting so it has limited me to only using blogger to present my blogs. One thing i could do is to learn how to use other software’s by visiting workshops and get some blogs done in college.
I have enjoyed using premier pro to make are title sequence and if i learn how to use photoshop it would be a great opportunity for me to post my blogs in a different more skilled way
Tuesday, 5 January 2016
blog targets
- contribute more to group blogs
- complete any blogs which I have not done to ensure my blog is up to date
- present my blogs in a much more visually interesting way.
strengths and weaknesses of my blog
strengths of my blog:
- detailed responses to questions
- lots of research done into other title sequences and genre conventions
- visual examples have been used in some blogs
- not a lot of detail about props and costume
- there is no storyboard
- my blogs could be presented in a more interesting way by using other tools like prezi or PowerPoint
- I have felt uncomfortable using other software like PowerPoint in my blog so I have limited myself to just using blogger. this means that my blog is not very visually interesting.
- I enjoy using visual software like Photoshop so I could use these software to make my blog more visually interesting, this will also help my blog be easier to understand.
evaluation the rough cut
I think on a whole the title sequence was very successful because it makes sense throughout and the shots have been placed in a comprehensive order, this ensures that the quality of the title sequence remains consistent. the title sequenced has turned out the way we planned as we had a clear idea of how we wanted the finished title sequence to look and we made our storyboard according to this. the only weakness is that we could have included more shots as the title sequence is quite short.
the quality of the camera work is at a good quality throughout the title sequence, as we used a tripod for static shots and a fig rig for tracking shots and POV shots, this meant the camera wasn't shaky in the majority of shots, the camera does shake slightly in some shots but it is not obvious. we also used a wide variety of shot types like long shot, close up, POV and establishing shots. this makes the title sequence more interesting to watch.
we didn't use any artificial lighting as we filmed outside during the day so it wasn't necessary, however we did have to try and film at a similar time of day each time to ensure that some clips weren't significantly darker than others. this was a minor problem in some of the later shots but we fixed this by adding a filter post production which makes the time of day look near enough the same in both shots.
the performance of the characters was good because we did a chase sequence so all that was required of the characters was to run.
our use of mise en scene was minimalistic by choice, as we wanted to keep the title sequence simple. the costumes we used was everyday clothes because the characters were normal teenagers, although we could have made the costumes easier to tell apart as besides from red shoes they look very similar. we didn't use any props that had a bearing on the title sequence as we felt they weren't needed to tell the story. we filmed in an estate as this location fits with the overall tone of our title sequence.
the quality of the camera work is at a good quality throughout the title sequence, as we used a tripod for static shots and a fig rig for tracking shots and POV shots, this meant the camera wasn't shaky in the majority of shots, the camera does shake slightly in some shots but it is not obvious. we also used a wide variety of shot types like long shot, close up, POV and establishing shots. this makes the title sequence more interesting to watch.
we didn't use any artificial lighting as we filmed outside during the day so it wasn't necessary, however we did have to try and film at a similar time of day each time to ensure that some clips weren't significantly darker than others. this was a minor problem in some of the later shots but we fixed this by adding a filter post production which makes the time of day look near enough the same in both shots.
the performance of the characters was good because we did a chase sequence so all that was required of the characters was to run.
our use of mise en scene was minimalistic by choice, as we wanted to keep the title sequence simple. the costumes we used was everyday clothes because the characters were normal teenagers, although we could have made the costumes easier to tell apart as besides from red shoes they look very similar. we didn't use any props that had a bearing on the title sequence as we felt they weren't needed to tell the story. we filmed in an estate as this location fits with the overall tone of our title sequence.
Monday, 4 January 2016
Saturday, 2 January 2016
Three Targets
1) My first target for the new term is to take more responsibility into the group blogs and to communicate with my group
outside of lesson more so we know who is doing what.
2) My second target for the new term is to try and complete all the blogs or work set in the given time frame so that way I will be much more prepared for the upcoming lesson and when my teacher sets the work for that current lesson I wont have double the work to do or catch up on.
3) My third target for the new term is to be able to use different ways of completing my blog tasks, not only words but to make it more visual for example using more pictures, links to videos, or perhaps record myself talking about the question.
2) My second target for the new term is to try and complete all the blogs or work set in the given time frame so that way I will be much more prepared for the upcoming lesson and when my teacher sets the work for that current lesson I wont have double the work to do or catch up on.
3) My third target for the new term is to be able to use different ways of completing my blog tasks, not only words but to make it more visual for example using more pictures, links to videos, or perhaps record myself talking about the question.
When looking at all my previous blogs I feel I was able to answer all the questions or tasks that were put forward to me very well and successfully. This was achieved by going into various detail of the question and doing the suitable research to retrieve the answers I needed however that may be,for example watching videos and giving the interviewees response,doing my own independent research on institutions, productions, title sequences or whatever it may be I made it by best interest to be well prepared and cover all aspects of the tasks by researching properly and conductively. At the start of the coursework part of media I was a bit behind in the blogs and failed to reach certain deadlines and found myself having the least amount of blogs in my group. This was a problem and a struggle because when my teacher would give out the homework for the current lesson I would have double the work to do. However, I very quickly picked up on the blogs I were behind on as my teacher recommended me to visit media workshops at lunch to catch up now im up to date with all my blogs. When my teacher gave me and my group are first blog feedback he said it was very good, up to date, a lot of content but I had to make it more visual and appealing as blogs do not only consist of words, they could consist of pictures, links to certain videos, music, (Camtasia) or videos of myself, for example talking about the answer and recording myself doing it. He said it shows creativity, willingness and shows I am more all round student. Since then I feel I have taken this feedback on board very well by having a lot more visuals in my blogs, for example we as a group have taken pictures of every time we have been filming for evidence and evaluation, we have a sound-scape on soundcloud of are soundtrack or how we wanted it to be like , we also have visuals of our titles, pictures of the estate we filmed on and the equipment we used. This has not only made are blog look more appealing it also is much more easier to look through. The only thing I would say about our blogs is that the blogs we do should be a group task and not one person should be doing all the blogs as my teacher said its a shared thing so we should all talk to each other and decide to each other who is doing what when it comes to the group blogs to make it fair.
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