Saturday, 2 January 2016


When looking at all my previous blogs I feel I was able to answer all the questions or tasks that were put forward to me very well and successfully. This was achieved by going into various detail of the question and doing the suitable research to retrieve the answers I needed however that may be,for example watching videos and giving the interviewees response,doing my own independent research on institutions, productions, title sequences or whatever it may be I made it by best interest to be well prepared and cover all aspects of the tasks by researching properly and conductively. At the start of the coursework part of media I was a bit behind in the blogs and failed to reach certain deadlines and found myself having the least amount of blogs in my group. This was a problem and a struggle because when my teacher would give out the homework for the current lesson I would have double the work to do. However, I very quickly picked up on the blogs I were behind on as my teacher recommended me to visit media workshops at lunch to catch up now im up to date with all my blogs. When my teacher gave me and my group are first blog feedback he said it was very good, up to date, a lot of content but I had to make it more visual and appealing as blogs do not only consist of words, they could consist of pictures, links to certain videos, music, (Camtasia) or videos of myself, for example talking about the answer and recording myself doing it. He said it shows creativity, willingness and shows I am more all round student. Since then I feel I have taken this feedback on board very well by having a lot more visuals in my blogs, for example we as a group have taken pictures of every time we have been filming for evidence and evaluation, we have a sound-scape on soundcloud of are soundtrack or how we wanted it to be like , we also have visuals of our titles, pictures of the estate we filmed on and the equipment we used. This has not only made are blog look more appealing it also is much more easier to look through. The only thing I would say about our blogs is that the blogs we do should be a group task and not one person should be doing all the blogs as my teacher said its a shared thing so we should all talk to each other and decide to each other who is doing what when it comes to the group blogs to make it fair.

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