Tuesday, 5 January 2016

evaluation the rough cut

I think on a whole the title sequence was very successful because it makes sense throughout and the shots have been placed in a comprehensive order, this ensures that the quality of the title sequence remains consistent. the title sequenced has turned out the way we planned as we had a clear idea of how we wanted the finished title sequence to look and we made our storyboard according to this. the only weakness is that we could have included more shots as the title sequence is quite short.

the quality of the camera work is at a good quality throughout the title sequence, as we used a tripod for static shots and a fig rig for tracking shots and POV shots, this meant the camera wasn't shaky in the majority of shots, the camera does shake slightly in some shots but it is not obvious. we also used a wide variety of shot types like long shot, close up, POV and establishing shots. this makes the title sequence more interesting to watch.

we didn't use any artificial lighting as we filmed outside during the day so it wasn't necessary, however we did have to try and film at a similar time of day each time to ensure that some clips weren't significantly darker than others. this was a minor problem in some of the later shots but we fixed this by adding a filter post production which makes the time of day look near enough the same in both shots.

the performance of the characters was good because we did a chase sequence so all that was required of the characters was to run.

our use of mise en scene was minimalistic by choice, as we wanted to keep the title sequence simple. the costumes we used was everyday clothes because the characters were normal teenagers, although we could have made the costumes easier to tell apart as besides from red shoes they look very similar. we didn't use any props that had a bearing on the title sequence as we felt they weren't needed to tell the story. we filmed in an estate as this location fits with the overall tone of our title sequence.

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