Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Strenghts and weaknesses of my blogs

Strengths of my blogs

1) one of the strengths of my blogs is that I give a lot of detailed responses to my answers which consists of a lot of writing and trying my best to answer or explore every bit of the question

2) A lot of visual examples have now been added to my blogs in the last few weeks to make my blogs look much more appealing and easier to navigate

3) I have put a lot of research into are title sequence and have several blogs to look back on which have helped are title sequence be the best it can be

Weaknesses of my blogs

1) There is not a lot of audio examples in my blogs for example I have failed to post the camtasia and other audio sounds of what sounds or inspirations we have used in our title sequence. 

2)  My blogs could be presented in a more creative way for example using other programmes such as powerpoint and Prezi 

3) my blogs could be set up in a more orgasnised way so its easy to navigate and look for what i need.


One of the main threats is that i am unable to use much other software to make my blogs as visual interesting so it has limited me to only using blogger to present my blogs. One thing i could do is to learn how to use other software’s by visiting workshops and get some blogs done in college. 


I have enjoyed using premier pro to make are title sequence and if i learn how to use photoshop it would be a great opportunity for me to post my blogs in a different more skilled way

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