I feel as a whole are title sequence is very successful as we have various types of shots to create a tense,well made and a clear chasing sequence. Are shots have been placed in a comprehensive order throughout which ensures that are title sequence has been kept quite consistent and as good as it possibly can be. The use of many shots shows a high level of understanding and also decreases tedium within the audience. Choosing to have many different camera shots means that we would need to have the right type of music to fit in with are film type and chosen genre which i feel we have done successfully. It adds to the overall atmosphere of tension and keeping are audience on the edge of there seat. We managed to finish filming in no more then 2 filming sessions and i feel this is because we were well prepared before hand and had a storyboard so we knew exactly what we were doing. The only weakness i would say is that we could have possibly added a few extra shots as are title sequence only has a duration of 1.57 seconds.
What we have done successfully also is having are camera work at a good quality and making it look as professional as possible. This is due to using the right type of equipment to make are camera work not shaky and precise, we used a tripod to keep the camera static and a fig rig when needed in certain situations for example POV shots or tracking shots. what we have also done succesfully and well is not only used loads of camera shots but a variety of camera shots to make are title sequence more interesting such as longshots, close ups, wide shots, POV shots, extreme long shots and medium close ups. This is essential in creating a chasing sequence as it has to be fast paced which we have done very succesfully in my opinion through are camera work.
When we filmed we kept all the lighting natural and didn’t alter it in any way, this is due to the fact that are title sequence was done outside so there was no need to. The only variable we had to consider and keep the same was the time of day we filmed so we can have the same type of lighting which makes are film look much more professional and realistic. However when coming to are later shots we found out that this became a problem as one shot looked a bit darker then the other but we managed to use a filter post production which worked well and makes the lighting look more or less the same.
The performance of the characters in our title sequence was at a good standard as there was no dialogue and the only thing it involved them doing was running and having the correct facial expressions at all times which i and Mert done succesfully. It makes are film look much more realistic, better and is also better to watch.
Are misc en scene used was very simplistic and ordinary as we felt this would suit are title sequence best, the clothing we used were everyday clothing as we felt it added to the overall atmosphere of the suscpicion, if they look ordinary you wouldnt expect anything to happen, we have gone against the stereotypes of what gang members wear. However the bad thing about are clothing is we look pretty much the same apart from the red shoes it is hard to tell who is who. we could have avoided this by having one character wear a completely different type of clothing to the other in terms of colour so it is much easier to tell apart.
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