Thursday, 17 December 2015


Order of Titles

1.Production ident
2.Distribution ident
3.Distribution in the title
4.Production in Title Sequence
5.Actor 1
6.Actor 2
7.Film Title
8.Actor 3
9.Actor 4
10.Actor 5 etc
13.Music Supervisor
14.Music by
15.Edited by
16.Production designer
17.Director of Photographs
18.Executive Producers
19.Written by
21.Film name

Sound Track for our Title Sequence

This is the sound track we have used for our title sequence. Our sound track consists of different sounds which are put together using Premiere Pro. The sounds used are:

- Instrumental - We have looped the sound at the start as we needed the start to be long so when the beat drops its when the guy starts running so we looped the start by putting 4 pieces of the same sound together.

- Instrumental - We also cut the sound at the middle of the video as it was too long for the footage. We added the ending of the instrumental to where we cut it and we put it together so it sounds as if its one track.

- Police sirens - We have added police sirens to the start of our title sequence and it cuts out before the chase starts. Also we have added it to the end where the location is shown, this starts after the boy gets kick in the face.

- Train - We have a sound of a train at the start and the end of the title sequence. It first comes on when the footage of the train comes on and its apparent at the end and it appears just after when the boy get kicked.

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Title Sequence - Rough Cut 1
Mert's Evaluation

Personally i think as group 39 we have done a good job at putting a chase scene together. At first we thought it would of been hard putting all the shots together as the videos that we was inspired by had fast moving shots. We had some issue during our filming period as the location was was going to film in was dangerous as the area has a lot of gangs, also the area was far from our school so we decided to go somewhere closer, so we could have more time filming. We filmed our title sequence in two place. the first was Harvist Estate where we filmed the location and the second place was down the road at Andover Estate where we filmed the chase scene.

Original Filming Area - Broad water Farm

Location Area - Harvist Estate

Chase Scene - Andover Estate

Our filming time went well as we spent 3 days filming and this was during 3 of our lesson times. We spent 2 days filming then the next lesson we put our film together to see if we needed to take any extra shots and to see the shots we had to re-do. After that editing lesson we went out and took more shots. Our title sequence has a lot of different shots types and we used a range of different angles and camera movement. We took around 50-60 shots and this is put into a 1:57 second title sequence. We have used a lot of shot as its a chase, so we want the film to build tension at the start for the audience. The different shots we used are:

- Long shot 
- Wide shot 
- Close up 
- Mid-shot
- Extreme long shot 
- Two shot
- Cut in

The order of our title sequence make sense as it is clear of whats happening. The order is the way we planed it although we had to change our location. The camera work looks good as we have steady shots and the camera is not wobbly. We used a  Fig-Rig and a Tripod to prevent this. The performance of the characters were good overall but some little bits look dramatic. We didn't use any props other than the chaser having a back pack.

One of the issue we have with our film is the costume as the character running has a grey hoodie and a black jacket and hes wearing white jeans with red shoes. The chaser is wearing grey tracksuits with grey shoes and a black jacket. In the footage they look similar but the red shoes makes them look different. 

If we was to re-shoot it we will change the costume of the main character (Boy being chased)Another issue we had was when we went to re-shoot some parts the lighting was different in the new footage's we took, as the lighting was brighter in the footage we took after.

OVERALL: I think as Group 39 we made a good title sequence and i think our rough cut looks good and it looks like the way we wanted it to look like. We are now going to put the titles in and we are going to do it to a film that has the same genre as our film.

Storyboard and Shot List


Shot list 

This is the shot list for our title sequence we have used a variety of shot types and we have used each one more than once but with different angles. As our title sequence is a chase scene we have fast moving shots so we have used a lot of shots.

§ O Locations
§ O Chaser
§ O Main Character running away
§ O Both Characters together

Friday, 11 December 2015

Controlled Assessment - Rough Cut 1

Editing Title Sequence - Controlled Assessment 

We have started editing our title sequence using Adobe Premiere Pro. We have started to put our Rough cut together. We are putting the shots in order and we are adding the sound that we are going to use to our rough cut. For the sound we have looped the music we are going to use and we added sound affects such as trains and police sirens on top. The editing process is going well as the fast moving shots of our title sequence is looking good together and the tension builds up.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Editing Session - Friday

We have started to edit on fridays lesson as we put the title sequence together to see if we had to take any extra shots that we had to re-film or that we missed. This was good as we had a idea of what we had to change so the next filming session we knew what to film.
Filming Session 3 - Tuesday 

Friday, 4 December 2015

Costume of the Gang member

This is the costume of the gang member that is chasing the main character. We have chosen to have him wearing tracksuits as  this is what gang member usually wear when we see them out on the streets. We have made this character wear all grey with a black Coat, as the main character has different colour clothing and he wear red shoes which makes him stand out against the character chasing. Also it is clear to the audience that the character with the red shoes is the one being chased, also we can see this instantly as the main character is wear casual clothing. The shoe is red and this has connotations of him being in danger as he is being chased by a gang member. 

Production Schedule


Friday media lessons 1.15 - 4.35
-First 8 shots (shots 1-8)
-Andover Estate (Holloway)
(27th November 2015)
Tuesday lesson time 1.15 - 2.45pm
-Next 4 shots (shots 9-13)
-Andover Estate (Holloway)
(1st December 2015)


Thursday 3 hour gap lesson 12.15 - 3.05
-Next 4 shots (shots 14-18)
-Andover Estate (Holloway)
(3rd December 2015)
Friday media lessons 1.15 - 4.35
-Next 5 shots (shots 19-24)
-Andover Estate (Holloway)
(4th December 2015)
Tuesday lesson time 1.15 - 2.45pm
-Last day of Film do shots that we need to retake.
-Andover Estate (Holloway)

(8th December 2015)

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Filming Session 2 - Tuesday

Our second filming session went well as we are close to finishing the filming part of our project. We got a lot of shots and we have a range of shots to choose from, we are not limited with footage we have a good range so we can choose from. We filmed in Andover Estate in Holloway again. This filming session we got footage outside the building. We filmed for around 2 hours and we wen over our lesson time. We are planning to start editing by next week. 
Evaluation of our pitch I feel our pitch was very good as we had good content and visuals to back up our idea. We had a suitable logo for the production company which matched our chosen genre. the name for our film suited the genre and I feel complimented the logo very well. We took into consideration certain risks that could apply when filming and decided as a group to use a different location to film in instead. As we understand the certain risks that could apply in our chosen area and we were responsible enough to realise and not take any risks with the cameras and are self being. For my group I did the target audience, wider audience, institutions blogs which involves whether are company is going to be mainstream or independent,the filming schedule and the sound-scape. I managed to use good information and explained each question well. however when doing the production schedule I could of gone into more detail as the exact dates and specific times we would of been filming for. As this would have benefited are whole group and allowed for no confusion which ultimately means we could have possibly have more filming time. Overall I feel are whole group was well prepared and done there chosen blogs very well and accordingly which led to a good title sequence.

Monday, 30 November 2015

Preparing to Film

- Main character will be wearing ordinary clothes that normal teenagers will wear.
- The person chasing will wear Tracksuits and he will have his hood up, so we wont see his face.this will add to the mysterious atmosphere and add tension to the chase.

- The only prop that will be used in our film is a gym bag which will be held by the person chasing.

-We have had a change to our location as our first location was dangerous due to the area having gangs, so we decided to film at a closer location which is in Holloway. This is a further risk assesement and a major precaution we have taken.

-We filmed our opening scene at the flats near the Emirates Stadium.

-We took the scene where the boys running in a Estate down the road using various different camera shots.
Filming Session 1 - Friday 

Our first filming session went well as we got a lot of shots done. Just before we was leaving to go film we had a issue that the place we was going to film (Broadwater Farm) was unsafe as the area has a lot of gangs, so we decided to film in Holloway where it was more safe. Overall the filming period went well and we got good footage and we have more then one for each shot. we was watching the footage as we was filming so if there was parts we disliked we did it again. 

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Evaluation of our Pitch 

I think our pitch was good as we had good content and we have images to support the information. We had a suitable logo for the production company and we had a suitable name for the genre our film is going to be in. For my group i did the pitch questions on The film, Genre, Representation and The type of title sequence. I think i used relevant sources and i explained each question well, i could of done question 4 better as i could of gone into more detail about the social groups and how they are represented in the media and i could of used relevant sources from the internet. To make our pitch next time i think we should add relevant videos, fro example for the Genre question i did i could of put videos of the films i mentioned. Overall i think our pitch was strong and it was well presented with a strong power point that included pictures.

PITCH - Powerpoint

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

PITCH - Feedback

Production Schedule (JOSH)

Tuesday lesson time 1.15 - 2.45pm

Thursday 3 hour gap lesson 12.15 - 3.05

Friday media lessons 1.15 - 4.35

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Representation (Mert)

We are going to have only 2 characters in out title sequence. We will have the character running as our main character and his face will be seen but the character running after him will not have is face shown.

There is going to be a Gang in our film which is after a boy that is not part of the gang that's chasing him but he's part of a different gang.

In our title sequence the gang members are going to be represented as aggressive and they are going to be represented negatively as the films going to have the gangs involved in drugs and fights. We are going to represent the gangs stereo typically to how they are presented in media and films.

What Genre (or sub-genre) of Film is it? (Mert)

Our film is going to be a Crime drama as its going to contain gangs and drugs. We have chosen this genre as the film we are influenced by has the same genre.


Sket is a film that has the same genre as our film. This is a film which has inspired us as its based in London and it is a film that includes gangs and drugs. This is the type of film that our films going to be.

Green Street Hooligans

Green Street Hooligans is a film in the same genre and we have like this as it has a narrative title sequence and it starts with them arguing and fighting, the film kicks off fast. Our films going to be like this as soon as it starts its going to be the guy running away from the gang member.

What type of title sequence is it? (Mert)

Our film "A Town" is going to have a narrative title sequence where the the opening is going to be part of the film. The film is going to carry on from the title sequence.

The title sequence that have influenced us are:

- 22 Jump Street (2014)
-Lord of the Wars (2005)

22 Jump Street 

22 jump street title sequence has influenced us as it has fast moving shots and there are a wide range of shot types used. We are not going to make it the same as its a different genre and the font wont be suitable for our title sequence.

Lord of the War

Lord of the War is a film that has influenced us. this is the title sequence we think has the suitable title for out film. The font is suitable for our film as its not fancy its sharp and bold. Also the title on screen is how we are going to have it as its not all in the same place its in different areas of the screen each time.

The Film (Mert)

The title of our film is "A Town". This is the name of the Gang after the boy thats trying to get away from the gang. We have chosen to use this title as it is short and the film we was inspired by "Top Boy" has a short simple title.

Our title sequence is going to be for a film that is based in London and it includes gangs and drugs. A real film that we want to make our tile sequence similar to is Top boy. Our title sequence is going to be a narrative title sequence where it starts the film and its part of it. For the title sequence we are going to have a tracking shot of a boy trying to run away and he's being chased by a gang member. We are going to use different angels and shot types to make the audience feel as if they are i the scene.

Mise-en-scene - Location & Setting (Thomas)

The location we will use is the well known Broadwater Farm. This is because Broadwater farm is extremely well known for its grime type of atmosphere, as well as a lot of youth crime. This is important as this heavily relates to our film.

The setting used is an estate, as we are trying to portray youth crime and an estate is the perfect setting for this, as many associate estates with crime.

Mise-en-scene - Props, Costume, Make up etc... (Thomas)

The props we may intend to use is a fake knife/any sort of small weapon, Or any garments to show a gang related lifestyle. This is a successful portrayal of the type of props we may use as these props are heavily used in such programs and films such as Top Boy and Kidulthood.

We have created several costumes for the two characters, purposefully suggesting which role each character plays in the film. For instance  the character that is being chased we have included a costume of  regular jeans, a casual hoodie and trainers. This helps suggest that this character is not a total outcast from the area which he is in, but he does have a different look about him which does not fit in with the majority of teens in that area. For the character that is chasing, his costume will include a complete tracksuit, trainers and possibly a bandanna or a hat. This is to fill the stereotype of a troubled teen living in an estate. This also helps portray how aggressive he is.

We have also planned for there to be no one else around when this chase scene is happening, to create a more intense atmosphere and that the audience is totally concentrated on these two characters, and not distracted.

Risk Assessment (Thomas)

During the filming of our film, there are sure to be plenty of risks. For instance due to the location, the risk of robbery of equipment is quite high as Broadwater Farm is known for how dangerous it is.
A possible solution to this, is to stay aware of any suspicious behavior around us and if we do see suspicious behavior, to stay calm and leave the area as quickly as possible. Another solution to this is not to make ourselves known or draw too much attention to ourselves when filming. This is vital as if we are making a lot of noise and taking up a lot of space, it could cause trouble with some of the residents. Another way of keeping ourselves and the equipment safe is using the equipment discretely, as the use of expensive equipment may encourage unwanted attention.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

technology skills audit (Akiiki Kelly)

the technology (hardware and software) that i have learnt to use are adobe premier pro and after effects. premier pro has allowed me to edit together footage, add simple effects such as slow motion and manipulate audio levels. This will be useful as effects will be used to make the opening sequence more visually interesting e.g. slow motion to make something more impactful. Manipulating the audio will be usefull as a combination of digetic and non digetic sounds will be used, therefore digetic sounds like footsteps and breathing can be amplified post production so that they can be heard clearly. After effects was used to add things post production like title credits, effects such as fades can be added to these title credits to make them seamlessly compliment what is onscreen. these two software are essential to the project as they will be used to create and develop it.

Audience Detail (Josh)

Audience detail

Since are film is mainly around the genre of action and thriller based are core target audience would be teenagers and young adults in London ranging from 14-18 years of age as they would be the ones most watch are film. A typical audience of like member who would watch are film would be a 16yr old boy who lives in Hackney for example who loves to watch action films and has a lot of free time. Are wider/secondary target audience would perhaps be younger children or females. This is because research shows that teenagers who generally watch a film watch it with there girlfriend of around the same age, so this could engage a secondary audience of females or younger siblings raging from 8-12.

title credits (Akiiki Kelly)

film title prototype
as the genre of the film will be action the title credits will have a bold font that stands out to fit the convention of action films. generally the title credits in action films are bold to accentuate the exhilarating nature of the genre with strong colours used like red or yellow. we will use effects on the credits like fades to keep a constant flow, this will ensure that the viewer's attention is maintained. we will integrate the title credits in a similar fashion to drive, however the pace at which the titles appear will be changed to fit the pace of our opening sequemce.

Institutional Details (Josh)

Institutional Detail

Are film we have decided will be a mainstream production because this means the people who are working on the film already have a reputation and experience in post production. By making are film a mainstream film it would gather a wider audience and make it more highly grossing to the audience. Also the fact it's a mainstream film production means there will be better equipment and overall facilities used. We feel that the distributors for are film should be focus films and revolver entertainments as they have experience in our chosen genre and has distributed films such as topboy, Tony, Bounded by blood,another hood and about a zombie. Which are worldwide films with dozens of good reviews and over thousands of pounds/dollars has been made from these films. Are distribution company Is quite similar to capelight pictures who work in similar genres to are chosen film and have distributed films such as Zorro,BLUB and Infini. Our ownership will make the type of credits more action type and so driven so it will consist of many transitions, most likely be huge font with all caps lock and dark colours.

Saturday, 14 November 2015


Survey of the Audience for Kidulthood a similar genre to our Title sequence. Doing this allows me to understand what they of audience will watch our film so the content we add will be suitable to what thy are interested in. There are many different aspects of the person such as there personality and interest.








Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Target Audience Research

What is a target audience?

A target audience is a particular group at which a product such as a film or advertisement is aimed at. For example the target audience for 22 jump street ranges from the ages of 16-24 years old

How do we define target audiences?

Target audiences can be based around a range of different things that may appeal or apply to the people for example there age, there location, there gender, there age, there income etc.

why is it useful for a film to have a target audience?

It is useful for a film to have a target audience because that way the production company, the institution and everyone else involved is aware just who the film is aimed at which allows them to fit certian conventions and and things suitable for that age group. It allows the production company to know what to and not to add in the film so what is appropriate and what is not. For example if a film had a target audience of about 12-14 year olds you most likely wouldn’t  have gun shooting or violent scenes in it.

What audiences do you think different genres appeal to?

Different genres would appeal to a variety of different audiences for example, if you take the genre action, that would stereotypically appeal to mainly males ranging from about 15-25. The use of the dark colours, explosions, chases, car collisions etc would make this type of genre much more geared towards a male audience with a demographic of lovers for thrill seeking.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Mood Board for our Title Sequence

Audience Member Profile.

Audience Member Profile




4.Social Grade

Travel and Hospitality.

6.Hobbies and Interests
Photography, Drawing.

7.Personality type
organized, but lacking self confidence.

8.Brands the consume
Adidas, Seat, Barclays, Tesco.

9.Media they consume
TV (6-10 hours p/w) Times newspaper, Bizarre magazine.

Target Audience Research 

What is an audience?
  • Target audiences the group of people who watch or listen to something, it is who the film is aimed at. For example the target audience for 'Fast and Furious' is 14+.
How do we define target audiences?
  • We can base our target audience on many things that appeal to the audience such as we can define it on their location, gender, age, interests/values and profession.
Why is it useful for a film to have a target audience?
  • It is useful and important for a films to have a target audience as everyone involved in the production know who the films for and they can include content appropriate to the age range. Also it makes it quicker and easier to make the film appealing to its audience.
What audiences do you think different genres appeal to?
  • Different genre should appeal to different audiences such as animated films would appeal to young children as they are attracted to unrealistic stuff and they are attracted to bright colour and not dull one like the ones used in different genres. Where as in Action films darker colours are used and it would appeal mainly to male audiences and they would usually be aged 16-25 as they would be interested in a film packed with excitement and the images are fast moving. The genre that will appeal to a ageing population would be documentaries. As they will be most likely to be interested on whats happened in someones life.

What film genres does audiences prefer

1. Which 3 genres do audiences prefer?

 The film 3 genres audiences usually prefer, are Action, Comedy and Animation.

2. What reasons did they give for their preference?

 The reasons behind these are because they are funny, and eye catching.

3. Do similar audience groups like the same film genres?

 I think that similar genre groups do also like these genres, because a recent survey which genres some audiences favorites are. And in this survey, the answers are similar to there answers. for example, the male audience, was heavily in favor for action, where as in our interviews, 2 males said there favorite genre was action.

4. Which film genre do you think you would prefer to make and, based on this research, who would be your target audience ?

I think the film genre I would prefer to make is action, as the use of a variety of shots interest me, as they are very quick, and usually produces an emotional response in the audience such as excitement during a chase scene. Based on the research produced earlier, our target audience would be males aged 16-21.

Blogging Health Check 1

Hi Thomas

Good blog so far.

Good to see the interviews from Tuesday up but please tag these with interviews with all the names of all four group members.  I can’t actually play these files on my home computer  - can you please check that the videos work okay?

I’d ask you to please add the task numbers to the blogs and tag everything done so far as “RESEARCH”, apart from your post on 25 October about creative ideas which should be called “PLANNING” – sorry, my mistake, I should have made this clear earlier.

I enjoyed your initial post on creative ideas. The bomb idea has loads of potentialand I like the idea of weapsons iconography.  That could be very visually interesting. Your analysis of the opening of Resevoir Dogs is good, it shows good knowledge of cinematic techniques and how they make meaning, but  I’d ask you to include some graphics or illustrative material. Remember that a website is multimedia product and you should try and use graphics, gifs, photos and content sharing apps to enhance the look of your site. With your piece on editing, I’d like you to do an extra individual blog, explaining what you have learnt from the process.

Your remake is very good also, the titles well positioned and I like the fonts you’ve used though I’d probably have gone with a different colour to make them stand out more. There’s one slight “bump” where things go out of sequence. The acting needs some work though!

Good work so far, please keep it up .



Monday, 9 November 2015

Blog Feedback

Hi Josh

Good blog so far.

Good to see the interviews from Tuesday up but please tag these with interviews with all the names of all four group members.  I can’t actually play these files on my home computer  - can you please check that the videos work okay?

I’d ask you to please add the task numbers to the blogs and tag everything done so far as “RESEARCH”, apart from your post on 25 October about creative ideas which should be called “PLANNING” – sorry, my mistake, I should have made this clear earlier.

I enjoyed your initial post on creative ideas. The idea of rapid cuts in an action scene could work very well, but I’d ask you to post some some videos or illustrative material to accompany your post, to explain your idea in more detail. A blog is a multimedia product and shouldn’t be just text, it should be illustrated and enhanced with gifs, graphcis, content sharing apps etc. It’s exactly the same with both of your macro analyses – they are both well written but would be greatly enhanced by the use of video links so I could see the sequence you are discussing. .

Your remake is very good also, the titles well positioned and I like the fonts you’ve used though I’d probably have gone with a different colour to make them stand out more. There’s one slight “bump” where things go out of sequence. The acting needs some work though!

Good work so far, please keep it up .



Title Sequence Plan

Title Sequence Plan 

Genre: Crime / Drama

Our title sequence is going to be for a film that is based in London and it includes gangs and drugs. A real film that we want to make out tile sequence similar to is Top boy. This is also based in London and it shows how London drug dealers are and how they sell it. Our title sequence is going to be a narrative title sequence where it starts the film and its part of it. For the title sequence we are going to have a tracking shot of a boy trying to run away and hes being chased by a gang member. We are going to use different angels and shot types to make the audience feel as if they are i the scene.

A place with a lot of building such as an estate is where we will like to base out title sequence in. Also the place is quite and you can hear the trains and siren of police cars. also not many people walk past. Areas like this are mainly used in films that include gangs and drugs. Also a location like this is used in Top Boy and that is a type of film we want ours to be.

Target audience
- Young Adults (13-21)

- JD bags
-Strap bag

-Police Siren
-Foot steps
-People shouting

- Tracksuits

Shot types
-Wide shot
-Mid shot
-Close up

Camera Movement
- Panning 

Camera Angle
-High (To show the location)
-Low (To show the speed of the guy running)

Friday, 6 November 2015