Thursday, 19 November 2015

What type of title sequence is it? (Mert)

Our film "A Town" is going to have a narrative title sequence where the the opening is going to be part of the film. The film is going to carry on from the title sequence.

The title sequence that have influenced us are:

- 22 Jump Street (2014)
-Lord of the Wars (2005)

22 Jump Street 

22 jump street title sequence has influenced us as it has fast moving shots and there are a wide range of shot types used. We are not going to make it the same as its a different genre and the font wont be suitable for our title sequence.

Lord of the War

Lord of the War is a film that has influenced us. this is the title sequence we think has the suitable title for out film. The font is suitable for our film as its not fancy its sharp and bold. Also the title on screen is how we are going to have it as its not all in the same place its in different areas of the screen each time.

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