Thursday, 19 November 2015

Mise-en-scene - Props, Costume, Make up etc... (Thomas)

The props we may intend to use is a fake knife/any sort of small weapon, Or any garments to show a gang related lifestyle. This is a successful portrayal of the type of props we may use as these props are heavily used in such programs and films such as Top Boy and Kidulthood.

We have created several costumes for the two characters, purposefully suggesting which role each character plays in the film. For instance  the character that is being chased we have included a costume of  regular jeans, a casual hoodie and trainers. This helps suggest that this character is not a total outcast from the area which he is in, but he does have a different look about him which does not fit in with the majority of teens in that area. For the character that is chasing, his costume will include a complete tracksuit, trainers and possibly a bandanna or a hat. This is to fill the stereotype of a troubled teen living in an estate. This also helps portray how aggressive he is.

We have also planned for there to be no one else around when this chase scene is happening, to create a more intense atmosphere and that the audience is totally concentrated on these two characters, and not distracted.

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