Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Target Audience Research

What is a target audience?

A target audience is a particular group at which a product such as a film or advertisement is aimed at. For example the target audience for 22 jump street ranges from the ages of 16-24 years old

How do we define target audiences?

Target audiences can be based around a range of different things that may appeal or apply to the people for example there age, there location, there gender, there age, there income etc.

why is it useful for a film to have a target audience?

It is useful for a film to have a target audience because that way the production company, the institution and everyone else involved is aware just who the film is aimed at which allows them to fit certian conventions and and things suitable for that age group. It allows the production company to know what to and not to add in the film so what is appropriate and what is not. For example if a film had a target audience of about 12-14 year olds you most likely wouldn’t  have gun shooting or violent scenes in it.

What audiences do you think different genres appeal to?

Different genres would appeal to a variety of different audiences for example, if you take the genre action, that would stereotypically appeal to mainly males ranging from about 15-25. The use of the dark colours, explosions, chases, car collisions etc would make this type of genre much more geared towards a male audience with a demographic of lovers for thrill seeking.

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