Tuesday, 10 November 2015

What film genres does audiences prefer

1. Which 3 genres do audiences prefer?

 The film 3 genres audiences usually prefer, are Action, Comedy and Animation.

2. What reasons did they give for their preference?

 The reasons behind these are because they are funny, and eye catching.

3. Do similar audience groups like the same film genres?

 I think that similar genre groups do also like these genres, because a recent survey which genres some audiences favorites are. And in this survey, the answers are similar to there answers. for example, the male audience, was heavily in favor for action, where as in our interviews, 2 males said there favorite genre was action.

4. Which film genre do you think you would prefer to make and, based on this research, who would be your target audience ?

I think the film genre I would prefer to make is action, as the use of a variety of shots interest me, as they are very quick, and usually produces an emotional response in the audience such as excitement during a chase scene. Based on the research produced earlier, our target audience would be males aged 16-21.

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