Tuesday, 17 November 2015

technology skills audit (Akiiki Kelly)

the technology (hardware and software) that i have learnt to use are adobe premier pro and after effects. premier pro has allowed me to edit together footage, add simple effects such as slow motion and manipulate audio levels. This will be useful as effects will be used to make the opening sequence more visually interesting e.g. slow motion to make something more impactful. Manipulating the audio will be usefull as a combination of digetic and non digetic sounds will be used, therefore digetic sounds like footsteps and breathing can be amplified post production so that they can be heard clearly. After effects was used to add things post production like title credits, effects such as fades can be added to these title credits to make them seamlessly compliment what is onscreen. these two software are essential to the project as they will be used to create and develop it.

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