Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Blogging Health Check 1

Hi Thomas

Good blog so far.

Good to see the interviews from Tuesday up but please tag these with interviews with all the names of all four group members.  I can’t actually play these files on my home computer  - can you please check that the videos work okay?

I’d ask you to please add the task numbers to the blogs and tag everything done so far as “RESEARCH”, apart from your post on 25 October about creative ideas which should be called “PLANNING” – sorry, my mistake, I should have made this clear earlier.

I enjoyed your initial post on creative ideas. The bomb idea has loads of potentialand I like the idea of weapsons iconography.  That could be very visually interesting. Your analysis of the opening of Resevoir Dogs is good, it shows good knowledge of cinematic techniques and how they make meaning, but  I’d ask you to include some graphics or illustrative material. Remember that a website is multimedia product and you should try and use graphics, gifs, photos and content sharing apps to enhance the look of your site. With your piece on editing, I’d like you to do an extra individual blog, explaining what you have learnt from the process.

Your remake is very good also, the titles well positioned and I like the fonts you’ve used though I’d probably have gone with a different colour to make them stand out more. There’s one slight “bump” where things go out of sequence. The acting needs some work though!

Good work so far, please keep it up .



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