Target Audience Research
What is an audience?
- Target audiences the group of people who watch or listen to something, it is who the film is aimed at. For example the target audience for 'Fast and Furious' is 14+.
- We can base our target audience on many things that appeal to the audience such as we can define it on their location, gender, age, interests/values and profession.
- It is useful and important for a films to have a target audience as everyone involved in the production know who the films for and they can include content appropriate to the age range. Also it makes it quicker and easier to make the film appealing to its audience.
- Different genre should appeal to different audiences such as animated films would appeal to young children as they are attracted to unrealistic stuff and they are attracted to bright colour and not dull one like the ones used in different genres. Where as in Action films darker colours are used and it would appeal mainly to male audiences and they would usually be aged 16-25 as they would be interested in a film packed with excitement and the images are fast moving. The genre that will appeal to a ageing population would be documentaries. As they will be most likely to be interested on whats happened in someones life.
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