Thursday, 22 October 2015

Analysing the title sequence of my favourite film

Analysis of Reservoir Dogs


Firstly, the use of the camera or varied. At the start, the camera uses a long shot of all the characters walking. The next 6 or so shots, are close ups of each character suggesting what type of person each character is. They then use a wide shot of all the character except this time form the backs of all the characters.


The location is Downton LA, while  the set is still Los Angeles. The use of costume is spread throughout most of the characters. the majority of the characters are wearing tuxedos and sunglasses, whereas the other two characters are wearing something different (one wearing a tracksuit and a chain necklace and another wearing a casual tie and jeans). The props used in the title sequence are varied. for instance in the opening shot the first thing seen is a pale blue car. When shown close ups of each character each character has a prop for their own. For instance Harvey Keitel has sunglasses and a tooth pick, Michael Madsen has a cigarette, Chris Penn has a golden chain, Steve Bruscemi has sunglasses, and Eddie Bunker has a cigar. The whole title sequence is sun lit.


The editing in this title sequence is interesting, this includes footage which has been slowed down to show the walk of each character. The special effects used are Transitioning the title's onto the footage. The transition from the start is a black screen, straight to footage. This transition is also evident in the opening but at the end, transitioning the footage back to a black screen.


The sound in the Reservoir dogs is fairly frequent throughout the opening. This involves being introduced to the film by a rhythmic bass playing, then followed by more non-digetic music to create a song.

In the beginning of the sequence, the key plot is introduced. Introducing all of the characters, letting the audience almost know what kind of people they are. The image created of these characters are mafia gangsters, or wealthy criminals. This helps set up the genre, and the plot (they will be involved in some criminal doing) This is introduced by the props of each character. The order of which the storyline is introduced is by the introduction of each new character. All the main characters are introduced one after another during the title sequence. They are introduced by quick close ups on each individual character, giving the audience a sense of what the character is like up close and personal. During the opening sequence, The gangsters (wealthy criminals) are represented stereotypically. This is shown by the majority of them wearing tuxedo's, the sunglasses (stereotypical of criminals as you cannot see their eyes)  and the heavy use of smoking (another stereotypical image of criminals)

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