Thursday, 8 October 2015

Short Prelim Evaluation task

Throughout the different stages of the prelim project, i had developed several skills such as more thoughtful planning, as in looking at different aspects of planning the film instead of only one. Throughout the editing process, i had gained several skills on the editing software we had used, for instance how to remove audio from the footage for specific scenes, how to trim the scenes and how to add music over top of a few scenes.

I think our film was successful in certain ways, but not in others. An example of how it was not very successful is when someone walks through the door and across the room, a reason why it didn't go as well as expected was because the lighting in that shot was different to all the others, and it looked much too rehearsed and not natural enough. One skill I was particularly good at was to keep on reminding our group about the lighting, as at times it was much different to the other shots. The importance of storyboards are extreme. Our group had found out, after our storyboard was not detailed enough and we had to almost improvise because  our story board was our main point of planning. The only changes i'd make to our project, was our story as we weren't confident enough in creating a short film about a police interrogation, and as our prop was a vodka bottle it was hard to add that into our film without making it too random. Another example of our film was successful was because we kept to the 180 degree rule and we did not over do it on the shot reverse shots. Another change i would make was the lighting of the film. we only relied on the camera light as our main source of lighting, which is shown to be a problem throughout the film.  

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