Short evaluation of the film
Our task was to make a short film and we
got in groups to do this. We was given a location and a prop to put our film
together. There was good and bad things about our film but overall I was happy
because it was our first attempted.
During our project of making a film I have
developed and used different skills such as editing, filming and planning. I
also used different software and equipment we used adobe premium and I used a
video camera, tripod, figrig and light for the camera. At the start I wasn’t
used to the camera but as the time went by I got better. I also worked well with
my group and I’ve worked with them for the first time , we put a short film
together and overall I think we did well.
The film we put together was successful in
my view as we didn’t just video a person walking normally we used a variety of
camera angels and movements to make it professional and interesting to watch.
We used different shot types such as wide shot, mid-shot, long shot, close up,
over the shoulder, cut in and we used a lot of panning in our film. We used
reverse shots while there was a dialogue and conversations. This was done so
the audience can be involved in the conversation and know the view of the
actors. We applied the 180 degree rule as we didn’t film anywhere we filmed
within the 180 degree. In the film we also added text for the locations and we
used music towards then end to make good to the ear and not just the eye.
We was good at filming but at times when we
had the camera in our hands and not the tripod. The footage looked like it was
shaking. Next time we will make sure the camera is steady. I personally think
we should spend more time on planning to make it longer as our film was around
1:30 seconds. Next time we will make sure we know how to use the editing
program to a good standard before we edit.
The bit of the film I think worked well was
the bit where we had the two characters talking and we used a reverse over the
shoulder shot and at the same time we canceled the sound and we put music in
the background. The bit I think we need to work on is getting more shots in and
making it longer.
If I was to complete the project again I would
take each shot around 3 times so we have enough to pick out of as we had 2
shots for some and 1 shots for some and it was hard to put it was it had some
errors in them.
The thing I learned that is really
important is making a list of shots to use and a story board. This was
important as we were keeping on referring back to it as it basically had out
film but just drawn out. A list of shots was good as we ticked each shot when
we used it and we ticked some more than once as we used medium shots a few
times in our film.
Mert Ceylan Sevinc
Mert Ceylan Sevinc
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