Thursday, 8 October 2015

10) genre preferences (RESEARCH)

genre: horror

conventions of the genre: some common conventions of a horror film are the setting, character tropes and high end special effects. horror films are usually set in secluded or abandoned areas such as houses or small towns and the action never leaves these areas throughout the course of the film. the character archetypes of horror films usually remain consistent across all horror films (jock, nice guy, last survivor, etc). special effects are key for horror films as they are larger than life and often based outside the realm of reality.

films from this genre i have enjoyed:
Insidious, Cabin in the woods, The shining  

genre: action

conventions of the genre: the conventions of action films are fast paced cuts, lots of explosions, fighting and chase scenes. these come together to create a rush of adrenaline for the audience and to create a constant stream of entertaining moments. the main character an action film is usually a normal person who is thrust into extraordinary situations.

films from this genre i have enjoyed:
The matrix, Mad Max, Scott pilgrim vs the world

Genre: children/animation

conventions of the genre: the conventions of animated children's films are bright colours, love able, easy to relate to characters and narratives with good morals. bright, vibrant colours are used to attract and retain the attention of young children, and the combination of relatable characters and good morals will leave a good impression and set a good example for the young audience.

films from this genre i have enjoyed: 
toy story, up, monsters inc

Akiiki Kelly

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