Tuesday, 6 October 2015

                                         What is the purpose of a title sequence?

A title sequence is the method by which films or television programs present their title, cast production and cast members. This includes utilizing visuals and sounds, it normally includes or begins with the text of the opening credits and helps establish the setting and tone of the programme.

Now the purpose of a title sequence is to give credit to the cast and crew who showcased and were involved in the whole production. This is normally incorporated into the titles. This is done to perhaps promote the actor or to allow the actor to develop a positive association with a particular fanbase, genre or production. Title sequences also often incorporate the logo of the institutions involved in the production, finance and distribution of the film. This helps to advertise the company and establish expectations in the audience. For example if you see or hear a title of a film is in association with Warner Bros this immediately implies its a big budget production and this creates an expectation through us as the audience for the film to be good.

Another purpose of a title sequence is to set engage the audience right from the start and to set the tone of the movie you are about to see. The title sequence also gives the audience a sense of the genre whether this is in an actual film or just a film trailer it immediately builds a story and platform. Another major purpose of a title sequence is to build anticipation, sometimes reveal some of the main characters traits and perhaps leave questions unanswered for later on in the movie. Successful title sequences create emotional reactions from the audience and leaves the audience glued to there seat waiting for more.

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