Friday, 9 October 2015

'Watching Documentary' 

1) What does Thomas Sutcliffe mean when he says "films need to seduce their audience into long term commitment while there are many types of seduction, the temptation to go for instant arousal is almost irresistible?"

What i feel Thomas Sutcliffe is talking about here is that it is essential for a film to maintain the audiences attention and keep them engaged so they will continue to watch it more. However for this to be successful a consistent quality must be maintained throughout the entire film rather then having having for example the beginning significantly better then the rest. Although we know that the opening must "instantly arouse" the audience to draw them into the world of film.

2) According to director Jean Jacques Beineix, what are the risks of "instant arousal"?

The main risk of "instant arousal" is that the rest of the film could possibly suffer if it does not match what has come in the past.

3) What does Stanley Kauffmann describe as the classic opening?

Stanley Kauffmann states that the classic opening starts with an establishing shot that then progressively zooms to reveal some sort of main character, This is effective because it gives the audience a sense of the setting, occupation of the central character and the organisation of the world. All these main points are set efficiently by using classic opening.

4) Why is Kyle Coopers title sequence to the seven so effective?

The opening to seven is so effective because it takes the audience straight into the story without any use of non digetic but universal added a score and the credits as that was the traditional way to do an opening sequence.

5) What is meant by "a favourite trick or film noir"? What is the trick? 

The trick is when the beginning acts as a type of ending, this is effective because it gives the audience a starting point and builds up the rest of the film as a type of journey for the characters. It also gives the audience a much clearer purpose and reason to watch the film again as you are more likely to notice things the second time you view it.

6) How does the opening of shining create suspense?

The opening of shining creates suspense through the location in where it is set, as it is clearly set around a load of bad omens. The camera is like a track or a predator focused on a small object which was the car.  This makes us as the audience feel as though the car is travelling in the wrong direction. The music is quite tense and adds to the suspense mood as it is quite threatening.

Josh Davis

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