Sunday, 18 October 2015


Camera (shot distances/angles/movements/framing)

Editing (cuts/speeds/special effects/transitions/)

Mise-en-scene (location/setting/costume/makeup/props/performance & lighting)

Sound (musical score, sound effects, wild sound, foley sound) 

Man of Steel

From the very beginning of the title sequence we are introduced to a very slow,anticipated type of music as 'columbia pictures' appears on the screen at a mid range shot. This is the first bit of writing we see which signifies its importance and tells us the audience who is behind this great film. That then fades out and we are then introduced to the producers,associations,the creators and so on. Notice how the writing is very small and is in the bottom left corner which forces you to focus on whats happening in the middle of the screen. A voice then appears in a sound that makes us think he is out of space with the language such as 'UFO' and 'do you copy'. The camera then quickly zooms out at a point of view shot and it shows what we were just viewing on a YouTube screen. 

The music then becomes more louder and tense as we are introduced to different voice overs of people describing this 'man of steel' in a respected fashion. The camera then pans to all of the trophies and achievements this person has achieved. The camera rotates in a slow motion to allow the audience to see every single achievement and trophy to signify his greatness and hard work. he is described as 'a marble. 'amazing' 'untouchable' and many other encouraging phrases.

This makes us as the audience feel curious and excited to find out more about this superhero. After many fast transitions the camera focuses on the giant iconic red S at a close up shot which then gradually zooms out showing this iconic figure being Superman. 
The music then comes to an emphatic build up before the ending of the title sequence to give it a memorable ending. 


key plot ideas:

Order of the story line:

what characters are introduced:

what social groups are introduced and how are they represented:

The main plot ideas of Man Of Steel is that a young boy learns he has extraordinary powers that are not from this earth. As a young man he journeys to find out where he and his amazing powers have come from. He learns he must save the world from annihilation as it was his destiny but faces tons of troubles on the way. In the title sequence we are just introduced to Superman which indicates he is of importance to the movie.

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