Friday, 23 October 2015

Individual outline for a title sequence

Some of the initial ideas I have had are

The genre i have been thinking of is a thriller.

As the objects of thriller are very particular, I think the main object involved in the title sequence i have initially thought is a bomb. Although throughout the whole story many of the objects would be many weapons of war (Guns, Bullets, Swords, Knifes etc..)

As it is a thriller, the location should be a busy stereotypical place.An example of this is oxford street or a busy building/street in a well populated city (for instance London/Paris/New York). But, as the outline of the storyline is to be set in two very different places, it will be set in an overcrowded city street and a poor village in a lower class country.

An outline for the main storyline is the story and the life of a suicide bomber (childhood problems, basically a sympathy story and how he got into terrorism by mistake) and the building up of his final mission.

The opening scene would be him setting up the bomb in an overcrowded place, preparing for his/her final terrorism mission, and as soon as he is about to set the bomb off, the shot will change completely and revert to his story leading up to the moment he sets the bomb off. In terms of sound, the opening sequence would include lots of digetic sound, such as many people talking and shuffling (as it's a crowded street) and some non-digetic sound such as car horns, police sirens and a car radio. 

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