What's is genre?
Genres are used as a way to categories different products that's share similar features or characteristic. Genres are important in the media as it quickly establishes difference. Establishes different codes and conventions that make the film makers follow in order to make product to look a certain way. It introduces differenent expectations. Lastly is helps the audience to develop personal taste.
- A style or a category off art,music or literature.
-a subdivision of a genre music or film.
- Genre is a fiction which blends in themes and elements from two or more different genres.
Codes and conventions:
- Codes are a system of sign, which create meaning (technical and symbolic).
Genre tropes:
- Charactasitic event or sequence associated with the genre.
Types of genre
- Action
- Crime
- Comedy
- Horror
- Romance
- Western
- Thriller
Mert Ceylan-Sevinc
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