Friday, 9 October 2015

Sequence 1 - MiCRO ANALYSIS

Camera (shot distances/angles/movements/framing)

Editing (cuts/speeds/special effects/transitions/)

Mise-en-scene (location/setting/costume/makeup/props/performance & lighting)

Sound (musical score, sound effects, wild sound, foley sound)

from the very beginning of the title sequence we are introduced to a quite fast pace type of music as smoke appears onto the screen, it then fades out and we are introduced to the production company being "Columbia pictures" This is the first bit of writing we see which indicates its of importance and they are behind the great spider-man film. immediately afterwards a quick transition happens and the camera is rotated showing the main title in glaring effects. The title is placed at a close up to show its recognition and importance to the movie.

After the title is shown we are then introduced to the credits which indicates who is starring in the film, who directed it and so on. throughout the spider-man title sequence the background is heavily based around webs nearly in every transition, also the mise-en-scene we see is mainly a red type of colour which fits in with the movie.  At this stage the Sound has become much more intense and louder as we are introduced to various different type of instruments to add effect to the mood.

Halfway through the title sequence we see a spider-mans hand punch through from the bottom of the screen, his is significant because its the firs type of character that is introduced. this tells us that he is going to be the main character and focal point of the movie.  we are then introduced to a type of goblin character who seems to be very sinister and evil which suggests they are going to be in some type of conflict throughout the movie.

Overall the title sequence contains a lot of cuts and transitions, various camera shots and panning of the camera. The music is overall quite iconic and specific to the movie and it also is very motivational. it makes me feel inspired and pumped up for the film.


key plot ideas:

Order of the story line:

what characters are introduced:

what social groups are introduced and how are they represented:

The main plot ideas of Spiderman 3 is that after Spiderman (Peter Parker) and M.J finally seem to work out there complicated relationship Spidermans suit turns black and takes control of him, Which brings out the dark side of his personality which he must try his best to overcome. But sandman and venom seem to stand in his way.

In the title sequence we are introduced to Spiderman and the green goblin which immediately indicates conflict from the start of the film. We get the idea of the social group being a good vs evil theme. 

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