Thursday, 8 October 2015

Genre Preferences

Genre 1: Action

Conventions of a Action film:

The conventions of a Action film are the target audience is at a age of around 12-15 minimum and this minimizes the audience under target age as it might have flashing images. Action films are normally hybridized with Sci-fi, adventure or romance films. It consists of both real and CGI (computer generated images) and the shots are fast. It has a predictable bunch of events and its ending tends to end with a heroic event. Its dramatic and it consist of non-diagectic sound. It can have a sub-genre of romance and it has a humorous dialogue. It uses camera angles such as close up and the camera angles used are crane and panning. Also they uses high lighting and low angle shots. It presents different genders in different ways such as Males are presented as being hero’s and they tend to be more authorize. Although most shots are not realistic they are put together so its believable. Its always set in a stereotypical world. The main character or group of character tend to have authority and there seen as clever and powerful.

Action films:

-Fast and furious
-The Avengers

Genre 2: Comedy

Conventions of a Comedy film:

The conventions of a comedy film are the acting is exaggerated so there in a role of a particular character, the characters tend to be happy. The lighting in all scenes is normally on the character as they are the ones that make it so it's funny and entertaining. The mise-en-scene are the costumes which are exaggerated, make up, props and the setting. The plot is basic and its design so the audience laugh, usually to a freindship situation. The camera angles are close ups and it's used to capture the characters facial expression. Mid shot to capture the background. Long shot for the focus on the location. The sound is non-diegetic and the music is light hearted. Also there is effects used for fighting and a dramatic injury. The editing consist of fast cuts which builds the punch line. The title sequence introduces the character personality and offer its says the type of person they are and also the font plays a big role in showing the type of character it is.

Comedy films:


Genre 3: Horror 

Conventions of an Horror film:

The conventions of a horror films are to frighten and panic the audience. It causes dread and alarm and it evokes out hidden fear, it entertains the audience by making them concentrate as they wait for the unexpected and Instant busts of fright that's pops up. It concludes in a shocking and terrifying was my usually. There is a terror at a unknown moment which makes the audience vulnerable and frightened. The setting is usually in isolated places, urban environments, dark streets and narrow alley ways. Most horror films are in locations such as abandoned houses, graveyards and basements and creepy hotels. High and low Angels are used as it has connotations of fear. It is usually based on a good vs bad person or it's usually includes creatures or zombies.

Crime films:

-Paranormal activity
-Scary movie

Mert Ceylan-Sevinc

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