Friday, 2 October 2015

Art of the title

Prison break:

The first title sequence we chose to analyse was prison break season 4. It started of with a establishing shot which introduces the location where most of the action takes place. the music starts off fairly calm and has a sense of gospel or church type to it. As the title sequence continues the music gets more and more tense as several more instruments are added. the music could be described as atmospherical. also as the title sequence continued there was loads of transitions which most of them consisted of fades. Ir also used the technique of many fast cuts which synchronised with the music. The main colour theme used was blue which gives connotations of police and bad events. It made us as a group feel quite energetic and intense because of the gradual build up.


Dare devil:

Secondly, we watched daredevil and we analysed it. The title sequence consists of computer generated images which also had a lot of single images which were fast moving. We also found out that the main colour theme of Deardevil was red, which has the connotations of blood,evil and danger. This gives us an insight to what the film is about. the music consisted of an instrumental which added to the atmosphere. As the title sequence continued church images were shows on screen which gives a religious type of imagery and symbolic message. Also the fact that the church was red it gives a negative feeling. This made us as the audience feel quite fearful and slightly moody.


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