Sunday, 18 October 2015

Identifying Genres
Crime / Gangster
The genetic signifiers of a Crime / Gangster genre film is it has a dark source of light and there is usually only on bulb in the middle shining down. The shot types used are mainly mid shot which only shows the persons upper body. The props used are guns, money, alcohol and the actors are mainly in suits. It is easy to identify the genre as we can tell from the setting and the props used.
The genetic signifiers of a Western genre film is it dark and it has no bright lighting. The costumes are old fashion. the location is usually corrupted and its is a empty site. There is usually no vehicles ad there are horses instead. The shot types used are mainly long shot which has the location dominating most of the image. The props used are usually old fashion things and the buildings are made out of wood and its in a silent small town. It is easy to identify the genre as we can tell from the location and the clothing and also the image colours its is usually brown, black and white.
The genetic signifiers of a Action genre film is it has a bright lighting. The shot types used are mainly a mixture of different types of shots such as long shot, mid shot and close up and there are lots of crane movement and there is a use of high and low angle shots. There are usually cars, tanks and helicopters. It is usually taken outside and there is a blue sky and the actors are blacked out. It is easy to identify the genre as we can tell from the music used and there is scenes where the mans jumps out of the car. we can tell from scenarios like this.

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