1 Which 3 genres where most successful at the UK box office?
Action, Animation, Comedy
2Which 3 genres were least popular or successful at the UK box office?
Fantasy, Sci fi, War
3 Which film genre had the most films released in 2013-14
4How many films in this genre where made in 2013-14
5 How many animated films where made ?
6 How many action films where made?
7 What does this information tell you about film production and film audiences?
The more films released, the more successful the genre.
1 Which age group made up the largest proportion of cinema admissions in the UK (who went to the cinema most)?
2 Which comedy film was most successful with this age group ?
the hangover part 3
3 Which film was most popular with over 50s?
Quartet, and comedy
4 Which genres where most popular with men?
Thriller, action
5 Which genres where most popular with women?
Documentary, music
6 UK films appealed to which audience type?
7 Which 3 films where most popular with the 7-14 age group?
8 Which 3 films most popular with 35-44 age group were frozen, the Croods and Jack and the giant slayer. Why might this be?
9 Which 3 films most popular with the 25-34 age group?
10 Which films where most popular with middle class audiences ?
11 What differences are there and what conclusions can you make about which films they prefer?
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