Prelim of film evaluation
Making a prelim film helped me become more familiar with the different stages of making a film. I now know that it is essential to have some sort of storyboard or plan of shot list before going out to film as it became harder to film. The prelim video was also beneficial as it allowed me to experiment with different locations,various shot types, editing techniques and to see what worked well and what didn't when it came to presenting. Overall i feel my prelim video was quite successful, although we ailed to keep the 180 degrees rule we realized this when viewing are film and were able to re do it and go back on our errors. It was kept short,simple and very coherent and are use of different camera shots made are the dialogue used successful and effective.
Skills: One of the skills i feel i was best at when making my prelim video was being able to identify the best locations to shoot our video and make it as realistic as possible. However i can improve my filming by taking into consideration the positioning of the camera when filming, for example when we finished our film some of the criticism we received was that we left a lot of empty space above the head. So perhaps in the future we could bring the camera down or film in a different location.
Aspects: The aspects of our completed film that worked the best was the use of music to add effect and realism to our piece. The music also enhanced the film and made the shot types more interesting to watch. However one aspect we could improve on in the near future is to make clear which character is the main one because at the beginning of the film when our main character got onto the bus it was very difficult to identify who it was. To improve there should have been a close of of the central character at the start to indicate to the audience who he is, and of his importance.
Changes/Importance of planning: The main change i would make if i was to make my prelim video again is to take more time and consideration into my storyboard,making it more detailed will result in a better overall film as we will be more prepared and aware. This would also decrease the time spent filming as everyone would know what there doing and allow more time on editing and making the film a lot better then what it was.
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