Creating my own idea for my title sequence
My own idea for my title sequence will have an action based genre and contain the very conventions you would expect from a title sequence with a genre of action. It would contain very fast and dynamic camera cuts constantly changing every few seconds to decrease tedium and keep the audience engaged, When creating my action based title sequence i will make sure to keep the credits very small and most likely i the corner to keep the audience focused on whats actually happening on the screen. i will also have loads of fast pace zooming in shots and various different fades to add effect to the title sequence. Also the type of music i will have in my title sequence needs to be up beat, fast tempo and somehow compliment the title sequence. For example as an idea if the music has a fast beat i will make sure to have many different camera shots at the same time that as the beat drops for example to give the title sequence a lot more meaning and make it much more worth while for the audience.
The main colour them of my title sequence will most likely be primary or bright based colours to attract the audiences eye at first glance, for example blue,red or yellow will be very beneficial and make my title sequence much more better. Also it is said that watching something is much more entertaining and enjoyable then just seeing pure images so i will try to have some clips in my title sequence to add affect. For example while the title credits are coming up (very small) this will leave a lot of space for perhaps someone jumping from car to car or an explosion to take place.
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