Friday, 9 October 2015

13) micro, macro and titles analysis (RESEARCH)

sequence 1: I, robot (action)

micro analysis:
  • camera (shot distance/angle/movement/framing)- moves from close up to close up in action scenes to make the situation seem intense and create an adrenaline rush. then cuts to a static close up of the main character.
  • editing (cuts/speed/special effects/transitions)- fast paced cuts, constantly moving at a consistent pace. special effect of bubbles added to accentuate the fact this takes place under water. ends with a transition to the main character and the pace slows down to make it obvious this is the main character.
  • mise-en-scene (location/setting/costume/make up/props/performance/lighting)- a red back light is used behind the titles at the beginning. set under water to put the characters in a position of peril to allow them to be saved by the robot, linking to the titles. the lighting is dark to create a sense of the unknown. acting is frantic to show the urgency of the situation.
  • sound (musical score, sound effects, wild sound, foley sound)- orchestral soundtrack accompanied by digetic sounds of drowning and glass breaking.
macro analysis:

what is the key plot idea introduced in the title sequence?
- the key plot idea introduced in this sequence is the three rules that a robot must follow.

in what order is the storyline introduced?
-the key plot point is introduced first through the use of titles, then the characters are introduced. 

what characters are introduced? when and how?
- the robot is seen very briefly when it rescues the human re-iterating the points previously made in the titles. then the main character is introduced through the use of an extreme close up when it transitions to a new location.

what social groups are introduced? how are they represented (positively, negatively, stereotypically/use of binary opposition).
- this title sequence does not include any characterisation for anyone except the robot so therefore no social groups are presented in any way, and no judgements can be made.

Title conventions:
I, robot uses a stylised title sequence as special effects are used and the story is incorporated into it. the title sequence does not include the usual things like director, actor etc. only the studio behind the film is credited. the typography is bold and metallic to link with the central theme of the film robots.

sequence 2: Scott pilgrim vs. the world (action)

Micro analysis:
  • camera (shot distance/angle/movement/framing)- a lot of close ups are used to establish the emotions of each character helping the audience to characterise each one individually and learn more abut them. the angles and framing remain neutral throughout to create the sense that this is just a normal day for these characters. at the start the camera remains static for the most part with the occasional pan and zoom, but once the band begins playing the camera movements become much more erratic to reflect the sound of the music.
  • editing (cuts/speed/special effects/transitions)- at the start the cuts and overall speed of the scene is relatively slow to allow things to develop and for each character to be showcased ( the main character being shown most) at a steady pace and to add to the impact of when it speeds up, however fast motion is used for comedic effect. a lot of special effects have been used throughout the entirety of the sequence for visual comedy and to create a comic book feel, paying homage to the film's origin. simple cuts are used to transition each scene, with the occasional jump cut used to vary the sequence.
  •  mise-en-scene (location/setting/costume/make up/props/performance/lighting)- the location, setting, costume and make up are all very basic/casual to create a sense of familiarity between the audience and the characters onscreen. the props used are mainly music related, this tells the audience that music will be a central theme in the film going forward.
  •  sound (musical score, sound effects, wild sound, foley sound)- sound is probably the most important aspect of this opening sequence as it is used for humor and to convey information to the audience. The sound also shapes the scene to an extent.
macro analysis:
what is the key plot idea introduced in the title sequence?
-the key plot idea introduced in this title sequence is the main character (Scott) and his love life

in what order is the storyline introduced?
-the characters and plot ideas are introduce simultaneously through dialogue and visuals

what characters are introduced? when and how?
-the main character is made apparent before any characters appear on screen thanks to the narrator, the lesser characters are then introduced one after the other through visual effects.

what social groups are introduced? how are they represented (positively, negatively, stereotypically/use of binary opposition).
-the characters introduced in this opening sequence would be considered nerds and this is made obvious to the audience because a stereotypical portrayal is used.

title conventions:
scott pilgrim vs the world uses a stylished title sequence that relies heavily on specials effects and colours. the typograhpy is quite jarring to highlight the film's over the top nature. the title credits start with the studio and production then actors and actresses, unlike most title credits the director is credited last.

Akiiki Kelly

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